The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia is dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are serious about the command of Christ to preach the gospel at home and abroad, for God’s elect are to be found among all nations, tongues, and tribes. Our beliefs are firmly grounded in the Bible and we affirm those beliefs through the systematic teaching of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
“We believe reformed doctrine is historic Christianity, in its emphasis upon the sovereignty of God and the trustworthiness of the Bible. We are a confessional church.”
Sunday Lunch: Join us for lunch every Sunday! Don’t worry about bringing anything. Stay and fellowship with us. We want to get to know you! Please let us know if our pastor, elders, deacons, or church family can be of any help. Pastor Tito can be reached at or (360) 456-6449.
What to Expect
Sunday Services: Our morning and afternoon worship service is the anchor and foundation of all our church life. Together we ascend the holy hill of Zion to worship the Triune God of the Scriptures.
Sunday school – starting at age two, we have five separate classes for children (through 8th grade). We follow cycles of two years where we rotate between Bible survey and catechism teaching. We also have an adult class that alternates between doctrinal and practical topics.
“We believe God has raised up this church body to take a faithful stand for the historic Christian faith, and, further, to be a standard bearer to these truths in darkening days of compromise and apostasy.”